Ghana Community Radio Network (GCRN)


#1 Addis Ababa Street, East Legon

GA-377-7132 Accra

+233 25 797 9746


Crossing Borders

GCRN was formed on 4 Dec 1999 by the 3 earliest Community Radio stations - Radio Ada, Radio Peace & Radio Progress - & a handful of then Community Radio initiatives. They were motivated by aspirations that would be captured in the Aims & Objectives of GCRN’s Constitution, as follows: AIM The aim of GCRN shall be to enhance the use & build the capacity of community radio to enable marginalized communities & groups to generate & share their knowledge & experience, to participate in discourse & decision-making at every level, to develop the richness of their culture, & to strengthen their communities as part of the national & global family. OBJECTIVES i. To support its members in the realization of their common vision of community radio. ii. To promote the growth of participatory, community-driven, community radio in support of development. iii. To facilitate the development of an enabling environment for such community radio. iv. To facilitate the inclusion & active participation of key marginalized groups, such as women, youth & children, in all aspects of the operations of member stations v. To undertake advocacy, networking, training & any other activities in keeping with its aim & objectives. The mission of GCRN is: To grow Participatory Community Radio for All to have a voice and exercise their Right to Communicate for their collective well-being.