ENAPAL (Ethiopian National Association of Persons Affected by Leprosy)


P.O. Box 70811, Kolfe Keranio Sub City , Woreda/District 1 Alert Hospital

1165 Addis Ababa

00251 11 550 0057 enapahd@ethionet.et http://www.enapal.org


Spedalskhedsmissionen (TLM DK)

ENAPAL is non-profit organization established by Persons affected by Leprosy inhabited in Ethiopia. The fundamental reasons for the establishment of ENAPAL was decline of medical service and aggravated stigma and discrimination on persons affected by Leprosy and their families due to leprosy and its consequence. It is a community-based organization working on leprosy related rehabilitation, prevention of disability, capacity building, education, stigma reduction and occasionally on drought emergency response and preparedness. Currently, ENAPAL operates in seven regions of the country namely, Amhara, Oromiya, SNNPR, Tigray, Dire Dawa, Harari and Addis Ababa with 7 regional and 78 local associations that comprise more than 20,000 fee-paying members. As per Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Charities and Societies New Proclamation 1113/2019 ENAPAL renewed its certificate of registration as Ethiopian Residents Societies and has got license No. 0100 to operate in the country. ENAPAL mission coined as “Avoid stigma and discrimination through participation of Persons Affected by Leprosy and the wider community, create awareness on early detection and self-care management, benefit members from socioeconomic rehabilitation program and build national and local capacity of association “. As a vison ENAPAL want to see A Generation Free From Leprosy and Its Disability Consequences ENAPAL have four objectives: (1) build the capacity of national association and local branches, (2) undertake awareness activities to correct the misconception, (3) undertake socio-economic development for rehabilitation and (4) work with all stakeholders. As ENAPAL is member based association that is working for the benefit of the members, the following are main mandate of the organization to address the need of persons affected by leprosy and their family through the following strategic issues in Ethiopia; (1)Rehabilitation , (