
600 METRES, POST OFFICE KANANAGE ROAD. Industrial Area, Muwebwa Ward. PO Box: 354


+256751461000 kanengo216@gmail.com


Hope Danmark

A Situation analysis was conducted in Kamuli in 1996 by a team of 25 CSOs led by KANENGO founder members where findings show that our society is still ignorant about constitutional rights, yet the local leaders per our decentralisation system provides sharing opportunities of which voiceless, marginalised and uninformed stakeholders can’t demand of their leaders a level of participation, engagement and contribution to budget or policy changes. On the other hand even elected leaders are not informed on governance practices. Several challenges still remain in achieving the noble aims and objectives of decentralised governance. Majority of the people and their representatives are still ignorant of their rights, the process of policy making and implementation. Our mission: To build a strong network of indigenous voluntary community organisations through capacity building, networking, lobbying and Advocacy. Main Activites : Thematic group coordination/ Networking, Community Mobilisation, Awareness, Capacity building, lobbying and Advocacy, Research and Education in Environment, Health, Livelihood & Support-( Agriculture plus Health), ICT Resource Centre, Information, Documentation and Dissemination( best practices Knowledge sharing ), Human Rights activism Our principles of engagement: - Rights based approach (RBA) to development - Empowerment, participation, accountability, equity collaboration /networking through bottom-up approach, using Neighbourhood Assembly approach ( NAs ), as work through Public-Private partnership Framework (PPPF). Our strategic framework: - Campaigns’ and advocacy - Impact assessment and shared learning