Root Foundation Minembwe


Minembwe, Kiziba.




The inspiration to found Root Foundation in Minembwe was a result of Muragwa's three visits in Minembwe in which he had a special opportunity to engage with the vulnerable population of Minembwe - Children and women in particular. Muragwa being a Munyamulenge himself, and being able to visit his destroyed homeland by wars perpetrated by the MaiMai's, he decided to bring his 10 years experience of NGO work in Rwanda to establish initiatives that would inspire hope to the Minembwe's thousands widowed by wars, that would heal the wounds of the thousands children whose scars of wars are still fresh and consequences such as poverty and trauma are their daily lives. Root Foundation priority objectives. 1. Nutrition: 2. Peace building 3. Water, sanitation and hygiene 4. Village Savings and Loans Associations.