The Hope Alive Initiative (THAI)


Budhebera Zone, Mayuge town council, Mayuge District

P. O. Box 1317, Mayuge Kampala



Civil Connections Community Foundation (CCCF)

The Hope Alive Initiative is community based organization located in Mayuge District in Eastern Uganda. The organisation was formed by a group of individuals from different walks of life after a survey that was conducted and found out that majority of the Ugandan people are still living below the poverty line and do not have access to general information that would help them change their lives holistically. This exists because of the lack or existence of limited resources and access to information at our exposure, an issue which calls for the establishment of a body or organization to advice or open eyes of the local masses on how to utilise these local resources and how rich these local resources are to help them uplift the social and economic standards of the average Ugandan. For this reason, the founder members of THAI came up with the organization to help in fixing the situation. Institute Core Objectives +To promote sports and culture among the members particularly the youths. + To promote the conservation of the environment by initiating and participating in tree planting projects; encouraging forestation and discouraging deforestation. +To lobby and advocate for the disadvantaged ones in the community +To create health awareness and uplift the general standards of health in the district through health education. +To stimulate the awareness of women in the country to their potential rights, involve them in income generating activities by encouraging them to join clubs. +To sensitize members on sustainable better farming practices. +To create awareness on governance and accountability The organizational primary activities includes the following;- +Environmental conservation/protection +Sensitization on HIV and AIDs +Sensitization on sustainable farming method +Sensitization on gender based violence +Talent development +Capacity development/skills development +Promote basic family hygiene +Conduct community dialogues on emerging community concerns