Centro de Estudios Jurídicos e Investigación Social, CEJIS


Calle Alfredo Jordán No. 78

10260 Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Barrio Fe y Alegría

00-591-3-3532714 cejis@cejis.org http://www.cejis.org


Verdens Skove

CEJIS is a non-profit civil society organization that since 1978 has been working to defend the human rights of the most vulnerable sectors of society. The last twenty years we have concentrated our efforts on the realization of the rights of indigenous and peasant peoples, especially rights related to agrarian issues, natural resources and the environment. CEJIS is a private institution that assumes itself as a social and political actor autonomous of any parties and religious confessions. We work for the strengthening and articulation of civil society around the achievement of structural changes that allow the realization of human rights with an emphasis on the collective rights of the most vulnerable sectors of society.