Centro Juana Azurduy


Calle Loa 41

Zona Surapata Sucre

+59 172877205 proyectos@centrojuanaazurduy.org http://centrojuanaazurduy.org>


RAW - Rights for All Women


Title of the intervention: International partnership for co-creation against GBV

Ever since its foundation, CJA has identified women and young people in situations of oppression due to their gender, class, and ethnic condition as its target population. The central axis of its activities is their emancipatory empowerment and the defense, promotion, and exercise of their rights. CJA has great expertise in developing actions related to GBV, technical vocational training, the formation of political leaders, and social communication. The work of CJA has generated high recognition at the local, national, and international levels. The main achievements are: 1) The design of a "model" for addressing violence; the Guide for the Attention of Women Victims of Violence. The experience of the CJA in the fight against violence against women has been aimed at the development of multidisciplinary services for addressing violence, achieving that 34% of women assisted at the Women's Advocacy Office break the endless cycle of violence in. 2) Violence against women is addressed from a structural and comprehensive approach. Identifying of the condition of oppression and affective and material dependence of women on their aggressor. 3) The development of a battery of psychological instruments that determine the conditions in which she enters the process of claiming her violated right and the reparation of her victim status. 4) According to the legal and psychological condition, the multidisciplinary team carries out an informative process of the alternatives and tools with which she can deal with her problem