Asociación Sembrando Semillas de Paz (Sembrandopaz)


Calle 32, Avenida Alfonso López No. 17-194

700002 Sincelejo

+314 5934278


Conducive Space for Peace

The Asociación Sembrando Semillas de Paz (Association Sowing Seeds of Peace), better known as Sembrandopaz, is a civil, non-profit entity legally founded in 2005, but whose body of work draws from 20 years of experience, from the legacy left by its sister organization, Justapaz. Sembrandopaz facilitates the strengthening of the skills and values necessary to build a culture of peace through the consolidation and empowerment of grassroots organizations, with the ultimate goal of supporting holistic and sustainable human development projects in communities on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia. The organization has worked in the fields of education, strengthening governance and civil society, conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security, alternative agricultural development, tourism, environmental protection, food security, disaster and emergency humanitarian assistance, resilience and trauma healing, spiritual support of grassroots organizations, income generation for socio-economic inclusion, and the improvement of quality of life for vulnerable and at-risk populations. The mission of Sembrandopaz is to be more than an organization, but develop into a community committed to the creative transformation of holistic, sustainable, just, and non-violent life plans, through a pedagogy of empowerment.