Tujipange Community Empowerment Project


7881‐ 40100 Kisumu

+254712292272 tujipangek@gmail.com http://www.tujipangecep.org/


WAY (Women and Youth) Empowerment


Kakamega Empowerment Sports Project

Jujipange Community Empowerment project is dedicated to building and supporting the development of self-sustaining care and support systems for children, women and youth. It was registered in Kenya as a community based organization (CBO) in 2012. TCEP empowers and supports individuals and groups in their effort to mitigate the impacts of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB and other diseases. In particular, TCEP promotes the involvement of local communities in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of interventions; undertakes influencing work (advocacy, movement building), brokers strategic partnerships with government and nongovernmental agencies and organizations. • Support & train women on Village Savings and Table banking to engage in income generating activities. • Link women and the youth to markets for their produce. • Support vocational skills training for youth and provide information and linkages to employment opportunities. • Invest in education for youth, orphans and bursaries for girl-child education (return to school for girls who get pregnant) and adult literacy. • Lobby and advocate for the construction and equipping of special schools for persons with disabilities in the county. • Source for opportunities for youth to receive on-the-job training to further develop marketable skills. • Prioritize Widows and Old Women Initiatives that seek to improve their livelihoods. • Advocate for the Establishment of constituency youth endowment fund for youth to access soft loans and grants for Income Generating Activities, IGAs. • Promote the development and growth of youth SACCOs and investment groups to ease access to credit and to develop entrepreneurship. • Establish Talent & Cultural Centers for the identification and nurturing of youth talent in areas such as: ball games, athletics, martial arts, drama, music and dance as well as increase cultural awareness & promote cohesion in the communities. • Promote agriculture in general and agribusiness in parti