Amnesty International Moldova


20, Toma Ciorbă street

MD-2004 Chisinau

+373 69141399


Amnesty International


Partnerships for Change

Amnesty International Moldova (AIMD) was founded by a group of students from the Faculty of Law of the Moldova State University. It functioned as an initiative group of Amnesty International (AI) without staff and office. In 1994, the initiative group was formally recognized by the AI Secretariat, and in 1998, it became a fully-fledged NGO. As of 2018, AIMD has become a section. Since its establishment, AIMD has been a cornerstone of Moldova's human rights advocacy, prioritizing Human Rights Education (HRE) to empower youth in claiming and defending their rights. Leveraging its deep understanding of local contexts and challenges, AIMD has collaborated extensively with the Ministry of Education to introduce HRE as an elective subject in schools, developing tailored curricula and teacher guides. Moreover, AIMD's endeavors extend beyond education, evidenced by its initiatives combating the shrinking space for civil society. Today, the organization’s key activities include HRE in schools, trainings for defense lawyers and other legal professionals, fighting discrimination and promotion of social, economic, and cultural rights. Furthermore, AIMD has implemented comprehensive interventions to address issues like bullying, school aggression and social distance, fostering inclusive and respectful environments within educational settings. These efforts are informed by consultations with stakeholders, including students, teachers, and civil society partners, ensuring that interventions are tailored to the specific needs of communities, particularly in rural areas, which have been most affected by shrinking space. AIMD's approach reflects a holistic understanding of human rights challenges, rooted in grassroots insights and a commitment to empowering individuals and communities to advocate for their rights effectively. The main partners and supporters of our interventions during the last 5 years have been the Embassy of the Netherlands, German Embassy in Moldova, and SDC.