Kachin Women's Association Thailand (KWAT)


P.O.Box 415, Chiang Mai 50000

50000 Chiang Mai

+66 (0) 649709625 kwat.office@gmail.com http://www.kachinwomen.com


Myanmar Action Group Denmark


Supporting displaced people in Kachin state, Myanmar

The Burmese military has ruled and waged civil war within the territory of the union of Burma for many decades. As a result, Kachin and non-Burman ethnicities have been enduring severe hardship, such as impoverishment, and lack of access to health and education. In 1994, a ceasefire agreement was signed between the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO/A) and the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), but did not lead to any political negotiation. Instead, the SPDC took advantage of the agreement to start large-scale extraction of natural resources from the territory of Kachin State. As a result, Kachin people faced increased threats to their safety, livelihoods and food security. Many young people, potential future leaders, became addicted and died of drug abuse. Lack of development and peace finally caused many Kachin to migrate and seek refuge in foreign countries. The number of Kachin migrants to Thailand has increased every year, with women outnumbering men. Kachin migrants in Thailand have faced many hardships in terms of shelter, job opportunities, and access to education, with women experiencing particular hardship, and requiring specific support. The Kachin Women’s Association Thailand-KWAT was established on the 9th of September, 1999 by Kachin women in Thailand in an effort to help address the suffering and hardship of Kachin people in Thailand, and empower women, raise awareness on human rights and political issues, and provide humanitarian support to Kachin communities in Burma. Vision:KWAT envisions a peaceful and developed society which is free of discrimination and oppression. Mission:KWAT is a non-profit organization which works to eliminate discrimination and violence against women, enhance the living standards of women and enable them to participate in decision-making processes at all levels, and strengthen the quest forsocial justice, peace and development in the Kachin region.