Tanzania NCD Alliance


P.O box 65201

255 Dar es Salaam

+255222152119 info@tancda.or.tz http://www.tancda.or.tz


Kræftens Bekæmpelse


Making Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Control a Development Priority in East Africa Phase 2 Making Non Communicable Diseases prevention and control a development priority in East Africa

The Tanzania Non-communicable Diseases Alliance (TANCDA) is constituted by: the Centre for Counselling, Nutrition and Health Care (COUNSENUTH), Heart Foundation of Tanzania (HFT), Nephrology Society of Tanzania (NESOT), Neurology Association of Tanzania (NAT), Nutrition health and sustainable development center (NUDEC), Sickle Cell Association, Tanzania Association for Respiratory Diseases (TARD), Tanzania Cancer Association (TCA), Tanzania Diabetes Association (TDA), Tanzania Network Against Alcohol Abuse (TAAnet), Tanzania Organization for awareness on NCDs (TOANCDs), Tanzania Physical Activity Association (PAAT), and Tanzania Tobacco Control Forum (TTCF) , Grassroots Initiative for Youth and Elderly Development Organization (GIYEDO), Tanzania Public health Association (TPHA), RUVUMA ONLUS, SANITAS, TANZANIA LYMPHEDEMA ASSOCIATION (TLA), TANZANIA HUMAN GENETICS (THGO) for the prime purpose of stronger advocacy for non-communicable diseases (NCDs).