Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers (SLIE) & The Professional Engineers (PERC)


Government Office Compound, New England Ville,, Western Area


+232 79556665


Ingeniører uden Grænser (IUG)

• Fostering the advancement of Engineering in all its branches for the improvement and development of Sierra Leone. • Promoting and maintaining the unity, public usefulness, honour and interest of its members. • Fostering linkages between Engineering Institutions and Industry • Promoting environmentally sound Engineering Practice, Engineering Education in schools and Gender Participation in Engineering • Advising Government on all Engineering Matters. • The SLIE ensures academic and professional standards for eligibility for membership and the transition from Graduate members to Fellows of the Institution. • It promotes the continuing professional development of its members to ensure their relevance and currency in the practice of engineering • Explores opportunities for partnerships with other like-minded institutions world-wide. • Member of the World Federation of Engineering Organisation (WFEO) and Federation of Africa Engineering Organization (FAEO) • Represented in the Boards of most engineering parastatals and recently invited as member in the National Disaster and Risk Management Council of the Office of National Security. • Now regularly Invited to participate in policy issues related to engineering by Government • Regularly publish position papers on engineering issues that threaten public safety such as defective buildings, bridges, poor construction methods and specifications, as well as forward letters of similar nature to the President’s Office. • Has established strong ties with our sister institutions in Ghana (Ghana Institution of Engineers) and Nigeria (Nigeria Society of Engineers) for over a decade. The three institutions regularly send delegations to each other’s Annual General Meeting and Conference.