Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNUT)


Stand No. 12521, Ben Bella Road, Off Lumumba Road, P.O. Box 31914

10110101 Lusaka

+260 211 847806


Børne- og Ungdomspædagogernes Landsforbund (BUPL)


Quality early childhood education and decent employment in Zambia

ZNUT was formerly Called Northern Rhodesia African Teachers Association in 1950 before it could finally be registered as ZNUT in 1962 and signed the recognition agreement with the Ministry of Education. Since then, it has been operating as a Teacher Trade union, representing members from Early Childhood Teachers, Primary School Teachers, Secondary School Teachers and Lecturers from Universities and Teaching Colleges both public and private employed. The main objectives are among others to protect and further the Teachers Professional interest collectively and individually and to promote the welfare of the children of the nation and equip the pupils to take their places in developing their full potential. The purpose of ZNUT is to bring about decent work for teachers and lecturers through negotiations of better salaries as well as provide good condition of service to help interpretate education policies and educate members on their rights. The primary activities of the organisation is to represent the members in grievance handling and negotiating with Ministry of Education and private institutions for better conditions of services.