
Jigjiga, Somali Region, Ethiopia.


+251915245555 galaydh12@gmail.com


Khayr Foundation

Karama Charity Foundation is a NGO, legally registrered in Kenya, Somalia and the Somali Regional State, Ethiopia as a non-profit organisation. It has offices in both Nairobi Kenya, Kismayo Somaliland and Jigjiga, Somali Region. The main branch is legally registered in Kenya and was founded in June 2012. The Ethiopian branch was founded in June 2020. The purpose of Karama is dedicated to eradicate human suffering in Somalia and the border areas of Somalia (Kenya and Somali Region, Ethipian) through humanitarian assistance and by promoting sustainable livelihood development. The primary activities are: - making needs assessments and identifying the most vulnerable. Travelling to collect donations from local people who donate livestock and cash from diapsora and distribute to the most vulnerable. - Distributing emergency aid such distributing water, food and protective gear (Covid-19) - Informing and educating in Health, eg. vaccination, nutrition and corona and Women's Issues such as cirumcision, sexual harrasment, exploitation and abuse (SHEA). - Collaborating with Khayr Foundation in sending hospital equipment to Werder Hospitals and implementing project activities related to Dolo Bila Agricultural Cooperative and emergency aid.