YOTA - Youth Opportunity & Transformation in Africa


YOTA Building, La-Bawaleshie Road, East Legon

00233 Accra

+233 30 251 0000 info@yotaweb.org http://www.yotaweb.org


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YOUTH ON BOARD: Engendering Youth Voices in Ghana’s Education Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

YOTA is an ECOSOC-accredited NGO at the forefront of youth development policy, practice and research in Ghana. For more than 15 years, we have provided tailored skills training for thousands of youth leading to improvements in their leadership, financial literacy, entrepreneurship and life planning skills. Through our service delivery, we have provided education, skills training, and technical support to thousands of youth and helped them transition to self and wage employment. Our research has contributed to filling the gap in youth data and the evidence base for public policy. And, we continue to use our national appeal and grassroots constituency, through our Voices of Youth Coalition, to advocate and campaign for youth-inclusive policies at all levels. Our Vision At YOTA, we work to realise a vision: a world where every young person has a real chance to benefit from and participate in development processes at local, national and international levels. Our Mission The mission of YOTA is to promote policies and embark on initiatives that help youth succeed in becoming life-long learners, productive members of society, materially sufficient, and self-respecting citizens.