Asociación para el Desarrollo de La Mosquitia – Mosquitia Pawisa Aslika (MOPAWI)


3514, 4 Calle, Tres Caminos

2175 Tegucigalpa

(+504) 2235-8659


Verdens Skove


Action of the Miskitu and Tolupán indigenous peoples for a dignified life in a context of climate change

MOPAWI is an experienced Honduran NGO that has worked in Moskitia since 1985. The work was motivated by the arrival of Nicaraguan refugees during the 1980ies war in Nicaragua. This called for support in an abandoned indigenous area with challenges related to basic needs such as water, sanitation, health, production and economic development, where focuswas on the capacity development of youth. Our organisation contributes to the development of capacities of the communities, organisations, local church and families of the Moskitia, in the new challenge represented by climate change for the management of sustainable integral development. We were the first organisation to re-take the issue of collective land rights and bilingual-intercultural education in favour of indigenous peoples, after priest Manuel Subirana obtained territorial titles for Tolupan and Pech in Yoro and Culmí, and Werner Marx worked in bilingual-intercultural education with Moskitia indigenous peoples. Besides, MOPAWI has gained experience in for example lobbying for collective land titles as territorial rights and maintaining cultural identity for all ethnic groups. Collective territorial titles were gained after more than 20 years of lobbying, and a bilingual-intercultural program was adopted by the Government’s Secretary of Education, but discontinued later on. After territorial collective rights were gained, we started gaining experience in governance of collective territories and natural resources. Our activities are related to our objectives: a) Accompany indigenous communities and organisations in their regulatory processes for the democratic governance of their legalised territories or for legalisation. b) Develop capacities and methods for the restoration of ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity, advocacy for the reduction of climate change and other equivalent. C) Contribute to the reduction of poverty, developing capacities related to production models, processing and markets.