Centre for Sustainable Energy Services (TaTEDO)


Goba, Kinodoni, House No. GOB/KZD/883, Near KKKT, Mbazi Juu Lutheran Church

P.O. Box 32794 Dar es Salaam

+255 738 201498 energy@tatedo.or.tz http://www.tatedo.or.tz


Dansk International Bosætningsservice (DIB)

TaTEDO is Centre for Sustainable Energy Services committed to facilitating access to sustainable energy services for all in Tanzania. nt approaches depending on a number of factors i.e. social economic and cultural context. TaTEDO Vision - A country where all have access to sustainable energy services, while conserving the environment, creating wealth and combating climate change. Mission - To facilitate and empower stakeholders along the market system in order to unlock barriers by providing support services and fostering enabling environment for enhanced access to sustainable energy for environmental conservation, wealth creation and climate change mitigation and adaptation. TaTEDO Goals • Improve quality of life of Tanzanians by contributing to availability of improved and sustainable energy services, employment and income generating opportunities, which are essential for poverty reduction, • Reduce environmental degradation resulting from increased use of wood and fossil fuels, • Assist the country to reduce dependence on imported energy.The organization was founded with the goal to increase access to sustainable energy and energy efficiency. In Tanzania the most common fuel to use is biofuel which causes environmental challenges and socio-economic problems. TaTEDO Objectives The overall objective of TaTEDO is to facilitate improvement of peoples’ livelihoods through increased access to sustainable energy services. TaTEDO Activities Activities implemented by TaTEDO are geared to address issues on energy development and market systems for sustainable business/ delivery models. TaTEDO activities focus to address issues along the three components of market system including market chain, support services and enabling environment.