Cooperativa Regional de Servicios Agroforestales, Colon, Atlántida, Honduras Limitada. (COATLAHL)


Calle principal, 200mts al fondo, desvió Hotel Atlántico, calle Ceiba-Tela

31101 La Ceiba

+504 2454-1135, +504 9551-1106


Verdens Skove

The COATLAHL Cooperative was organized in 1977. In 1991, the five cooperative groups located within the AMI (Integrated Management Areas) obtained forest certification from the SmartWood Program. In November 2000, the chain of custody of the cabinetmaking workshop of the cooperative was certified, allowing the commercialization of finished or semi-processed products with the FSC seal. Currently, COATLAHL is an agroforestry cooperative, dedicated to the production, transformation and marketing of forest products generally. In practice, however, its economic work has focused on wood, buying raw material from its base groups and reselling it sized or processed in finished and semi-finished products in the local, national or international market. MISSION Offer quality products to the second processing industry and final consumers, in profitable and competitive conditions, from sustainably managed forests, to achieve their socio-economic strengthening. VIEW To be an agroforestry cooperative, efficiently managed, that markets forest products and derivatives of high quality in the national and international market, to achieve economic and social strength for the organization.