AIP Foundation Cambodia


#18BEo, Street 348, Tuol Svay Prey Commune, Chamka Morn District

12312 Phnom Penh

(855-23) 99 65 19


AIP Foundation Denmark


Support of Safe and Sustainable Commuting for Garment and Footwear Workers in Cambodia (SSSC) - Phase 2

AIP Foundation Cambodia (AIP Cambodia) was first established to work as a local civil society group supported by AIP Foundation to promote helmet wearing to prevent deaths and serious injuries among motorcyclists and their passengers. AIP Cambodia has worked closely with stakeholders from the public and private and civil society sectors in Cambodia aiming for safer road practices, policies, and enforcement with the ultimate goal of preventing road crash injuries and fatalities. Since the establishment of the organization, the work areas/issues that AIP Cambodia focuses on have expanded from helmet safety to distracted driving, speeding, driver skills, the occupational safety of factory workers, and environmental issues related to mobility. At present, the key activities of AIP Cambodia include: • Disseminating campaign messages through media and social media focusing on policy and behavior change advocacy. • Encouraging safer driving behaviors among factory workers and drivers. • Promoting the safety system in road safety following the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety • Partnering with key stakeholders to advocate for policy changes that improve road safety standards nationwide. • Providing good quality helmets and road safety education • Enhancing the societal commitment to improving traffic law enforcement. • Research, monitoring, and evaluation to gather evidence and lessons learned to further develop sustainable programs and projects