International Aid Services Somaliland





International Aid Services (IAS)

IAS Somaliland started in 1999 with a project for children with Special needs. The authorities were very reluctant in the beginning as they claim there are no children in Somaliland with mental handicaps. IAS however asked for the permission to do an assessment which was granted. The result was overwhelming to both us and the authorities. The children were chained in the houses and never seen on the streets! In collaboration with EU and IAS Denmark we launched a major programme for these children. The Government gave IAS Somaliland a building that was renovated. Toys were donated from Denmark. IAS Somalilandfurnished the school, trained teachers and later you could see the proud parents walking hand in hand to the school with their children. This sector has been the core sector for IAS in SLA since its beginning. IAS has got a lot of competence in this and the many trainings conducted by IAS for local organisations, teachers, parents, authorities have resulted in a more open climate when people don't fear to talk about mental disabilities. During time of humanitarian crises IAS has engaged in humanitarian work as well, such as water programmes. In 2019, IAS Somaliland head office in Sweden merged with Läkarmissionen (LM), although the country office in Somaliland still carries the name “IAS”. In 2022, the Somaliland country office will be incorporated into a wider LM Somalia programme, although will maintain its registration with the Somaliland government. The focus areas remain are and will remain: Special Needs Education (Inclusive Education), Civil Society Development, Integrated Water Resource Management, and Emergency Response.