eKids-Kilifi (Kenyan division)


P.O. Box 1508

80108 Kilifi

+254 0720 763 694 office@ekids-kilifi.org




Den videre udvikling af eKids ressourcecenter i Kilifi - jobskabelse og kompetenceforøgelse

eKids-Kilifi (Kenyan division) is non-profit, community development organization whose fundamental principle is to equip youth with life skills and mentor them to lead productive meaningful lives. The goal of the organization is to break socio cultural and economic barriers and to empower children, adolescents and youth from marginalized communities with skills, knowledge and education. The background context of Kilifi County shows the need to continue to strengthen youth organisations and networks by ensuring that the youths have gained increased knowledge and understanding of their rights. The project aims to 1. Equip youth with IT skills and expose them to use of technological skills to advance other areas of personal growth. 2. Mobilise and equip young people with craft skills for diversified livelihood and entrepreneurship 3. Nurture life skills among the youth 4. Establish linkages and partnerships for placement of youth, growth, expansion and sustainability of the resource centre. Proposed project activities. 1. Skills training in the following sector a) Beauty and Hair dressing- This includes nurturing art in beauty, hair clinic for both men and women, manicure, pedicure b) Cooking classes- Beyond baking and production of confectioners, there will be training of learning to cook common meals with a bias to Swahili dishes, a popular and traditional meals of the Coast region. c) Computer skills remain our default program and in this phase 2, it will allow for school programs to attract children and young adults. 2. Build capacity on life skills e.g. interview skills, communication skills, Team work, labor laws. Financial literacy and decision making skills 3. Build capacity on Entrepreneurship development, focusing of upcoming opportunities in development. 4. Production Unit fully responsible to Innovations, coordination of production and marketing and linkages.