Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre (KIRDARC)



977 Lalitpur

977 15548321 kirdarc@kirdarc.org https://kirdarc.org


Mission Øst

Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre Nepal (KIRDARC-Nepal), a Nepali national NGO established in 1999, is an initiation of youths from Karnali zone of Nepal with a vision of just and prosperous society with people having access to and ownership over resources. Since its establishment, KIRDARC is working to build the capacity of the people and local institutions of Karnali in various sectors including capacity building to enhance disaster resilience, environmental protection and climate change adaptation. Its current strategy (2019-2023) has emphasized ‘Reaching the Unreached: Just Society with Prosperity. KIRDARC has four strategic objectives i) To promote human rights, strengthen governance and inclusive democratic practices ii) To improve livelihoods and enhance sustainable incomes iii) To create resilient mountain communities advancing upstream and downstream linkages. Iv) To empower children, women and youths for peaceful social transformation. To achieve the abovementioned strategic objective, the primary interventions line are inclusive quality education, social inclusion, Human Rights Governance and Democracy, Food and Nutrition Security, Resilient WASH, Enterprise and Business Development, Health and Well-being, DRR and Climate Change, Mountain Biodiversity and Natural Resources, Ecological Resilience and Gender Equality. KIRDARC implements its program with children, women, youth and people from marginalized and disadvantaged groups. Major activities include systematic monitoring, documentation and reporting of human rights violation cases, networking and alliance building for promotion and development of human right at local level, integration and maintenance of sustainable WASH governance, knowledge on raising agricultural productivity in sustainable manner, promotion of value-chain, promotion of eco-tourism, capacity building of local institutions to promote human rights, mainstream GESI, promotion and mobilization of local resources.