Youth Innovation and Transformation Trust


Stand Number 24357, Adeliade Park

24357 Harare

+263772520629 http://N/A



YITT was founded in 2016 as a social movement aimed at transforming the social, economic, and civil spaces for youth. The initiative to start YITT was based on the recognition that a gap exists in the approach taken to youth led development by many INGOs. Or said more bluntly: there was a feeling by the founders that many INGOs tried to transform youth led grass roots into mini INGOs and approach capacity building through standardised and homogenous approaches. YITT saw a need to start an organisation that worked more directly together with youth groups, based on an informal approach where engagements took place within the spaces where young people felt most secure and comfortable, and where the support given was based on the groups’ individuals visions and needs. Though YITT, until now, has only been operating on an informal basis, it is clear that they are one of the most important go-to organisations for youth living in urban slums across Harare and Bulawayo. Since 2016, the team behind YITT has been giving free and voluntary support to a large network of youth groups from across Harare and Bulawayo. Through this work, YITT has supported youth groups to engage in income generating activities, implement projects, undertake proper financial management, undertake registration processes with government authorities and other on-demand support that youth led civil society organisations need. YITT currently works directly with more than 22 youth led civil society groups.