International Aid Services Sudan/LM International Sudan


Al-Jerif West, Al-Manshiya Street 60, House No.75/4, Opposite Alsanhori mosque, Khartoum, Sudan

11111 Khartoum



International Aid Services (IAS)


Sustainable and Equal Quality Educational Opportunities for All Floods in Sudan

IAS was founded in 1989 in response to the needs of the displaced people following the civil war in Sudan. IAS has been registered in Sudan since 2004. IAS is since 01.01.2019 an inte gral and operational part of Läkarmissionen (LM). Since the merger with LM the new organis ation work in 32 countries across Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe for the promotion of child and adolescent care, education and training, and for the help and care of needy elderly, sick and people with disabilities. IAS' intent is to target the most needy and vulnerable popul ations wherever we serve in the world. IAS emphasizes on building capacity of national/local organizations; carefully monitoring hands-on training and formal instruction conducted by se ctor experts. The Government of Sudan has lauded IAS' efforts in the area as the resilience of our joint projects is greatly improved with core skilled and active nationals laboring on beh alf of the most-needy beneficiaries in Sudan. Being accountable to local actors also has grea tly improved IAS' capacity and volatile region access as well. IAS' key sector of engagement and core expertise in Sudan is WASH and it strives to frame it around an Integrated Water R esource Management (IWRM) approach. The head office in Khartoum supports implementin g field offices in West Darfur, South Darfur, South Kordofan and Red Sea State. IAS' capacit y includes 4 drilling rigs, and well-experienced, expert staff. IAS also provides expertise in Ci vil Society Development, Inclusive Education, Education in Emergencies, Protection and Fo od Security and Livelihood - engagements that vary from initial emergencies transition to earl y recovery and development.