Health and Hope Myanmar - HHM


Lailenpi Town



Mission Øst

Health and Hope Myanmar was founded by Dr Sasa in 2007 when international funds were raised for medical work and cross-border food aid to respond to the plight of over 120,000 people affected by a regional famine. The following year, as a doctor and with the ambition to address the dire health needs of villagers across Chin State and beyond, Dr Sasa established a six-month long Community Health Worker training programme supported by medical doctors in the UK, to bring the first primary healthcare service to the rural areas of southern Chin State. By mid-2017, he, along with a committed indigenous staff team, had completed the training of 834 CHWs and over 160 Traditional Birth Attendants serving a population of almost 220,000 people across 551 villages. HHM work is organised into 5 areas: 1) Community Health Programme – HHM began training Community Health Workers in 2009, Six month training course covering education and prevention practices to address the most common types of sickness and ill health in rural areas. 2) Freedom to Education Programme – Since 2008, HHM has helped students with a vision for the long-term benefit of their people to obtain higher levels of education. HHM helps to ensure these students work towards the advancement of their communities. 3) Education for all Project - Started from May 2019, EFA project took 115 grade ten high school students who are no longer qualified to attend the Government school. These grade ten repeaters become the most vulnerable not only in their education but also in among their communities. 4) Food Security Programme- HHM advocate for and where necessary, delivers food aid to remote rural areas where other INGOs and the government are unable to reach. 5) Social Programme – HHM has begun the construction of multi-purpose community centres which are used to promote the formation of community groups for shared learning and to foster leadership and community ownership for finding solutions to local problems.