UDAPT - Union de afectados y afectadas por las Operaciones Petroleras de Texaco


Av. Venezuela y Progreso SN Cantón Lago Agrio; Ciudad de Nueva Loja; provincia de Sucumbíos - Ecuador

210150 Nueva Loja, Cantón Lago Agrio

+593 62830405 /+593 993977808 Udapt1993@gmail.com http://www.texacotoxico.net


Miljøbevægelsen NOAH

The Union of People Affected by Texaco's Oil Operations (UDAPT) is a non-profit organization based in the city of Nueva Loja, Sucumbíos province, which carries out actions within the provinces of the Amazon region. UDAPT was created in 2001 under the name ADAPT, Association of People Affected by Texaco, but has existed as a movement of affected communities since 1993. Since then it has worked for a healthy and ecologically balanced environment. Our mission is to implement and consolidate comprehensive strategies and actions in defense of human rights and nature, food sovereignty and productive sustainability, together with the peoples, nationalities and communities affected by policies and activities harmful to human health and the environment, in order to achieve a dignified life. The objectives of the UDAPT are to fight within the framework of the law, for the respect of Human Rights and the Rights of Nature, until a dignified life is achieved for all the peoples of the Amazon. We are currently focused on two main areas of work. The defense of Human Rights and the Rights of Nature, for which we implement various legal actions before different institutions of the Ecuadorian State and external human rights systems. Among the most significant actions are: Legal action against the oil company Chevron for the damage caused to the people and nature in the Ecuadorian Amazon, The second axis is the alternative of life, economy and health with the population. For this we are committed to and work with more than 500 families, in processes of agroecology, traditional medicine, organic food, rescue of seeds and traditional foods, among other activities.