

110024 SINZA A

+255 716 888 943 info@tyvavijana.or.tz/ tyvavijana@yaahoo.com http://tyvavijana.or.tz/



TYVA defines youth as of age 16-30, of which concentrate much to bring up and create the opportunity for them. The Organization was formed to fill a gap of a strong youth organizations and to address the challenge of poor youth involvement and participation. TYVA aims at capacity building of youth and youth organizations in civic and social-economic spheres, focusing on bringing about self realization and empowerment of young people in Tanzania • Vision To see a free, just, democratic and peaceful society, in which there is active and effective youth participation. CORE PROGRAMS 1. School of TYVA It is a capacity building program customized for youth, most recently TYVA members has been beneficiaries of this program. Various skills-based sessions are conducted on Lobbying and Advocacy, Policy analysis, Leadership skills, Project Planning and Management, Public Speaking, Fundraising skills, Proposal writing, Media and Youth and Conflict resolution 2. Dira Dialogues Dira dialogues are theplatforms used by TYVA to advocate for youth cross-cutting policy issues that are of their interest for the welfare of the nation. Since its inception in the year 2000, TYVA has used Dira dialogues to champion effective youth participation in various national debates and discussions. RECENT PROJECTS Recently, TYVA has undertaken the following projects, 3. Youth Engagements in Governance and Accountability (YEGA) The project aimed at engaging youth monitoring and governance of public resources in education, health and water sector. 4. Youth Employment Initiative Dar Es Salaam (YEID) The program “Decent work and labour rights in East Africa” is implemented by partner youth organisations and trade unions in Kenya and Tanzania in the period 2014/16 and 2017/19. 5. Girls Support Girls The project aims at raising awareness to young girls in primary and secondary schools aged between 12 to 16 yearsold on sexual and reproductive health rights.