

20100 Nakuru

+254727410812 mailto:jomondi@midrifthurinet.org https://midrifthurinet.org/




Rehabilitation of Youth and Children in Nakuru Through Sports and Advocacy, who have participated in, or are victims of violence and substance abuse RTSA Peace and Social Cohesion Through Sports in Nakuru, Kenya

About Midrift Hurinet Midrift Human Rights Network registered as MIDRIFT HURINET Limited is a Non –Profit organization legally registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee. We are a Non-profit organization working to empower Citizens, the state and non-state actors to inculcate a culture of Good Governance, Human Rights, Peace and Security. To achieve the above, we work around three core thematic areas of; 1. Democracy and Good Governance 2. Human Rights 3. Peace and Security. Vision A prosperous society that enjoys human rights, good governance, peace and security Mission To empower citizens state and non-State actors to inculcate a culture of human rights, good governance, peace and security in Kenya. Theory of Change IF citizens and leaders are empowered to understand their rights and responsibilities as enshrined in the constitution and their roles in maintaining good governance and democratic ideals, peace and security, THEN a society will be created that values and enjoys human rights, good governance and security resulting in a more prosperous and peaceful country. Assumptions Government agencies will be consistent in maintaining rule of law and respecting human rights. The three arms of government will work together in ensuring quick dispensation of justice Economic situation in the country will not deteriorate beyond the current levels Security situation in the country will not deteriorate beyond the current levels Organizational Theory of Change Kenya is a constitutional democracy. Since the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the country has achieved tremendous progress in promoting good governance, rule of law, human rights, peace and security. This has been a complete break from the early years of independence that was characterized by one party dictatorship, skewed distribution of the national cake, entrenched negative ethnicity, and disrespect to the rule of law, human rights violations and wanton corruption.