Barwaaqo Voluntary Organziation


Pepsi road, behind the Ministry of Transportation HQ

+252 Hargeisa

+252 63 4421094


Civil Connections Community Foundation (CCCF)

A group of committed gender balanced community development workers and professionals in Somaliland came together to give shape to their dreams of making Somaliland a better place. That was how “Barwaaqo” which means “prosperity” was established in 1996 and registered at the ministry of National Planning and development of Somaliland, the organization understood that its domain needs to be as wide as the issues faced by the millions of underprivileged Somalilanders throughout the country. Under this registration Barwaaqo Voluntary organization can perform social development work in Somaliland. BVO nurtures the status of being a formal NGO. Fast growing environmental challenges and climate change are imposing an additional stress on the environment, and the livelihoods that depend on it. BVO has been implementing climate change environmental protection and livelihood programmes in the country and enables the finding of solutions to Somaliland’s environmental challenges. BVO fights hunger and promotes poverty reduction, human rights, women and child rights and justice for all, it has taken up the women and children rights, it engages the wider social context of the systemic barriers faced by different women and children in Somaliland. BVO strives to ensure that every one has access to justice because if justice isn't accessible there will be no rights and access to justice is vital in sustaining the country’s security and enhancing its economy. BVO also advocates in increasing the availability of legal aid service for the women and children whose rights have been violated and need a legal assistance. BVO focuses the below six thematic working area, which we believe are important for the country’s stability and development. 1. Environment and climate change 2. Food security and livelihoods 3. Emergency programs 4. Women empowerment and human rights 5. Child center and education 6. Health and mother care