

Calle 66 y ave 31

10300 La Habana



Dansk Crowdfunding Forening

Negolution was created in 2016 in Havana, our local development project is from the municipality Old Havana and the founders are Marta Deus, Budery Duenas and Rigo Garcia Berriel. Negolution regularly publish articles of interest for the entrepreneurship community written by a group of young journalists and entrepreneurs. In 7 years, they have hosted and organized multiple events promoting the connection between private and state sector and what is most important, changing the mentality about private sector. The opinion of both government institutions and the Cuban population has not always been good, there are many mindsets that needs to be changed and Negolution has been an active actor on the society to achieve that. They created Microciudad, a space for children to learn from businesses, well practices for them and they parents in Havana Espacios Creativos. Further Negolution has a project called Ellas Hablan (she speaks), which is a female empowerment program with the participation of 100 women, primarily successful entrepreneurs. In addition Negolution organizes agro-innovation workshops for entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. Negolution is fortunate to have close collaborations with the University of Havana, such as Que nos une, an event to connect entrepreneurs and institutions and find a dialogue, the sponsorship of Innovation Week and the hour of code. It also creates spaces to develop the empowerment of women in the company, these programs are carried out inside and outside of Havana. And has a community of 800 women in less than a year. Negolution has workshops and trainings on agro innovation for entrepreneurs, Betting on the development of agriculture and creating dialogues of interest on the needs of the sector in Cuba. Negolution has been a link between disasters that occurred in Cuba and the help of Cuban entrepreneurs