This catalogue presents 12 different learning cases from organisations and projects that were financed through the Rebuilding Civic Space Modality, administered by CISU.
The learning cases are presented in short formats, including main learning from that project, a bit of background knowledge and information about the project.
The target group for this catalogue is civil society organisations that are working in contexts that have characteristics of shrinking space. This catalogue is based upon learning cases from partnerships between civil society organisation in various countries and their Danish counterpart.
It is our hope that the cases are relevant beyond these partnerships and will be used by a broad spectre of civil society organisations.
You should use this catalogue as inspiration. Reading the case-stories focusing on what others have learned in their partnerships and programs, allow you to build upon their learnings and integrate relevant perspectives into your approach, projects, and context.
Download the PDF: 'Experiences and Learnings from Projects to Rebuild Civic Space'
See also CISUs collection of materials and ressources on shrinking civic space on the FABO learning site CIVIC SPACE RESOURCES