Forming faith-based networks for social accountability


01.07.2015 - 31.12.2017

Beviliget beløb:

2.000.000,- DKK


Dansk Missionsråds Udviklingsafdeling (DMRU)


Organization of African Instituted Churches (OAIC)




Projekt D (1 - 3 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:

Burundi Kenya Tanzania

Overordnede mål

Contribute to faith communities’ larger voice in enhancing social accountability in selected regions of Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi

Umiddelbare mål

Specific objectives: 1. Enabling the participating churches and community organisations to integrate advocacy for social accountability in their church’s ministry 2. Enable the participating churches and community organisations at regional level to engage public institutions in advocacy and social accountability. 3. Improve the quality of participating churches and community organisations’ advocacy for social accountability


Primary target group: The project mobilises at least 180 leaders and programme staff from at least one hundred (100) different local church groups (congregations), as well as their alliance partners from civil society locally, and train them as facilitators. Each facilitator would identify ten (10) people in the community and train them as community enablers drawn from different congregations every six (6) months. The community enablers would then use the existing churches’ and communities’ networks to initiate and support local thematic campaigns and advocacy activities. Realistically the primary target group is 70 per cent male, since men are typically the African religious leaders, yet many women work as programme staff. To further improve on the effectiveness of the advocacy campaign initiative, the facilitators will be grouped into regional clusters. There is seven (7) facilitator clusters in the mentioned areas. Secondary target: The government and people living in the working areas will be involved in the initiative as much as possible. Selected government representatives will be invited to the initial conference to become ambassadors for the initiative afterwards in the regional areas, and the intervention will focus on involving other faith leaders and government leaders along the way.) * hvis der er plads !!


Denne indsats for social accountability er en opfølgning på en partnerskabsaktivitet fra 2014-16, hvor DMRU i samarbejde med Organisationen for Afrikansk Initierede Kirker (OAIC) udviklede et advocacy-koncept for Faith based organisations (FBO)-partnere i Østafrika. I Østafrika er kirker/FBO’er stærkt forankret i lokalsamfundene, og prædikestolene er stærke kommunikationskanaler i afrikanske lokalsamfund, såvel rurale som urbane. DMRU og OAIC ønsker at mobilisere deres paraplystrukturer til læring og netværksskabelse mellem samarbejdspartnere mh. Advocacy. Indsatsen mobiliserer kirker og FBO’er til at arbejde for social accountability ud fra syv regionale knudepunkter, tre i Tanzania, tre i Kenya og et i Burundi, hvorfra der lægges op til samarbejde med andre kirker, muslimske grupper og sekulære CBO’er. DMRU og OAIC samarbejder med flere DMRU- medlemmer og deres partnere, ud fra FBO’ers særlige tilgang og perspektiv. Partnerne trænes af OAIC samt østafrikanske social accountability-eksperter, og deltagerne støttes i at danne økumeniske alliancer, modtager coaching og kan søge om små grants til at gennemføre advocacy.arbejde lokalt, særligt fokuseret på social accountability redskaberne community charter, PIMA/community score card, Public Expenditure Tracking System, PETS.