Mayon, Magayon: The perfect cone of participatory governance, risk reduction and resilient settlements


01.07.2021 - 31.07.2024

Beviliget beløb:

2.996.986,- DKK

Samlet budget:

3.006.296,- DKK


Dansk International Bosætningsservice (DIB)


Alternative Planning Initiatives (ALTERPLAN) Social Action Center-Diocese of Legazpi, Inc.





World goals:

Mål 9: Industri, innovation og infrastruktur

Mål 11: Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Mål 17: Partnerskaber for handling

Indsatser foregår i:



The overall objective is to improve the resilience of disaster-affected and high-risk communities in Guinobatan Municipality on the slopes of Mayon Volcano by building their capacity to engage with duty bearers in obtaining access and resources for safer and more resilient settlements. This will be pursued through 1) At-risk households have a unified voice for claim-making through strong community-based organizations, 2) Community-based organizations are capable of advocating for safer and more resilient settlements through the processes of participatory planning and budgeting, and 3) The 15 most vulnerable and at-risk families have gained protection through access to safe and resilient permanent relocation. The targeted barangays have an estimated population of 16,244 and the intervention will deploy the methodology of barangay-level disaster risk-sensitive shelter planning (BDRSSP) in helping affected communities prepare for the eventuality of relocation or on-site risk-mitigation.