Tropical Storm Pawan Emergency Intervention in Puntland State of Somalia


20.01.2020 - 20.05.2020

Beviliget beløb:

471.675,- DKK


Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning (OFROSOM)


Gallad Rehabilitation and Development Organization


DERF - Nødhjælpspuljen


Tropical Storm Pawan in Puntland Somalia (Rapid Response)

World goals:

Mål 1: Afskaf fattigdom

Mål 2: Stop sult

Mål 3: Sundhed og trivsel

Mål 6: Rent vand og sanitet

Indsatser foregår i:



According to ACAPS, tropical cyclone Pawan hit the state of Puntland, Somalia on 6 December 2019 with strong winds, heavy rains and flash floods hitting in particular Bari and Nugaal regions in Puntland. Houses and property were destroyed displacing around 4,800 people according to ACAPS. Including in the destroyed houses are 130 Internally Displaced Persons shelters, thereby affecting already highly vulnerable populations. According to UN OCHA 6 persons have been killed, at least 32,000 people lost their livelihoods, as fishing boats, livestock and more than 700 farms were destroyed. Transport infrastructure was also damaged, including 4 main roads, which has impeded the delivery of humanitarian assistance.