Permaculture in Ukraine


84 Holosiivsky av. app. 71

03040 Kyiv



Permakultur Denmark


The Permaculture Way

NGO `Permaculture in Ukraine` was established in 2012 after holding the first Permaculture Design Course in Ukraine. Since then we have been organising PDCs every year. The organisation’s goal is to promote environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture in Ukraine. The organisation: - hold courses to share knowledge and skills (at least 5 in presence courses per year) - hold conferences and permaculture gatherings to exchange experiences, motivate members and accumulate scientific data (at least 1 conference and 1 gathering per year) - translate and publish books to share world best knowledge (at least 1 book in 2 years) In 2017 was established a network of permaculture centres which now counts 16 demonstration locations all over Ukraine that practice permaculture, organise courses and other events, host volunteers etc. Since 2020 the design department has been working, developing permaculture design for individuals and organisations. When the war in Ukraine began our NGO did not stay apart. With our partner organisation GEN Ukraine we began at once the project that was later called Green Road of Ecovillages. We mobilised existing networks of ecovillages and permaculture centres to host internally displaced people. More than 3000 people passed through around 60 locations. The role of our organisation in this project is to develop all that is connected to food security, from providing small scale agriculture equipment to education.