Foundation PLAGBOL
Kontakt: |
Calle Fernando Guachalla N° 705 Zona de Sopocachi 0000 La Paz 59122118327 |
Organisation: |
Bevillinger: |
Mercury-free gold mining in Bolivia – 2020-2022 Safe and sustainable greenhouse production |
Plagbol is a national, non-profit organization, founded in 2007, that seeks to improve the conditions and quality of life of the Bolivian population, supported by the right that the people enjoy good health and a better environment, clean and productive. A series of actions has been developed, aimed at promoting a set of preventive measures that allow, based on environmentally appropriate and sustainable techniques and practices, to reduce the danger of polluting substances and wastes, since these pose a high risk to human health and the environment. We work with capacities of farmers, communities, populations and municipalities where we intervene, with the purpose of achieving a self-sustainable and equitable, free agricultural, economic and social development of pesticide risks, within the framework of a sustainable development approach. To be a national program of reference in health, agriculture and the environment in the area of pesticides. For 3 years Plagbol has collaborated with Diálogos working towards eliminating mercury in Artisanal small scale goldmining. Plagbol has positioned itself as a ressource organisation on the subject in Bolivia.