Nepal Development Society



44200 Chitwan



ICOEPH (Internationalt Center for Arbejdsmiljø, Miljø og Folkesundhed) - DASAM (Dansk Selskab for Miljø- og Arbejdsmedicin)


SOLID-HEALTH - Improving public health and environmental health in Nepal through appropriate solid waste management

Nepal Development Society (NeDS) is the leading civil society NGO from Nepal established in 2013. The NGO’s objective is to contribute to the development of Nepal by working with the local community and through the exchange of global experiences on health, education, agriculture and environment. The organization has an extensive experience working at the community level. It is implementing Composting and Recycling for Household and Industrial Waste Management (CAR Project) to prevent the issues of health and environment related to waste management in Nepal. It organizes the largest free blood pressure screening campaign in Nepal and have a strong network of collaborators in all 77 districts of Nepal. NeDS is currently implementing two COVID-19 response projects on the ground and has initiated a webpage information on COVID Help for general public. It has gained substantial experience on farmers’ health, composting and recycling advocacy, study on effects of pesticides, gender-based violence, community-based intervention for non-communicable diseases, female community health volunteers.