Christian Youth Volunteers Association Trust (CYVAT)
Kontakt: |
Kusile Rural District Council Lupane Centre Mail Box: Box 2812 Bulawayo +263 Lupane +263 713 875399 |
Organisation: |
Bevillinger: |
School Based Conservation Agriculture, Lupane Zimbabwe |
Christian Youth Volunteers Association Trust (CYVAT) is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political organisation based mainly on voluntary development and humanitarian work. The organisation was established in 1995 and its core mission is to promote local resilience to poverty and make vulnerable groups directly engaged actors in charge of their own development. CYVAT’s work and engagement in the past years has been focused in rural and most vulnerable communities within the provincial districts like Matobo, Binga and Lupane. The local communities that CYVAT works in experience high levels of food insecurity and a fragile political situation where local authorities have very few means and capacity to fulfil their responsibilities of delivery of basic services for the local population. In spite of the very challenging local situation, CYVAT has managed to continue to work with the local communities promoting community mobilisation and local capacity building and thus has access to the target group/people at risk regarding this intervention. CYVAT assists communities in infrastructural and social development and always involves community leaders and a broad stakeholder engagement in all its activities. For several years, CYVAT has been working with the schools and the SDCs, and is in a well-placed position to initiate and implement the activities included in this intervention. CYVAT has several years of experience with the schools selected for this project. The organisation has extensive experience with project management and meeting the needs of particularly vulnerable people., CYVAT has proven to be an efficient and reliable partner both regarding timely coordination with relevant authorities, stakeholders and beneficiaries, and timely implementation of the intervention.