HOPin Academy


Agric Residential Area, Adjacent Swad Fast Food

0 Tamale

0372028925/0552894625 info@hopinacademy.org https://www.hopinacademy.org


Bidrag til Ghana


Northern Social Enterprises for Development (NSEfD) Youth Empowerment for Peaceful Elections in Northern Ghana Climate-Smart Social Entrepreneurship

MacCarthy Mac-Gbathy after high school wanted to make a documentary video of Entrepreneurship in northern Ghana to access the need and the mindset on entrepreneurship in northern Ghana, as most of his friends also migrated from northern Ghana to the southern part of Ghana in such of their dream jobs which unfortunately were not available and these youngsters always found their lives in danger and also some tried to travel Europe illegally. Internet, innovation was not a topic in the northern Ghana youth lives daily topic. MacCarthy through this dream met another Danish guy called Anders Midtgaard and they mad a film together. There was more to the PROCESS of the video than just a video. MacCarthy connected his journey of self-learning to the low entrepreneurial mindset in northern Ghana and activities, spaces, and platforms for social Entrepreneurs to grow and get the tools, human technical support and system to help young people in northern Ghana move from poverty and reduce the migration issues. Since its inception in 2013, the entrepreneurship community at HOPin Academy consists of over 1,500 Entrepreneurs within the Northern Ghana. With incubation programs for startups grown to a population of 550 members. The SEED project of 300 sports and Entrepreneurial young people with FANT Denmark in 2020 and our partnership with Bidrag til Ghana on project HEfD .