ONG-Asociacion Boliviana para la Investigación y Conservación de Ecosistemas Andino Amazónicos


8230, 16th street Calacoto

0000 La Paz

+591 - 2 -2124987


Aktion Amazonas


Connecting to Conserve the Amazon Rainforest (CCAR) Youth Engagement for Nature Conservation People Acting for Bolivian Amazon (PABA) Enhancing resilience in CC-vulnerable communities in the Yuncas Ecoregion in Bolivia and Peru

The Asociación Boliviana Para la Investigación y Conservacion de Ecosistemas Andino Amazónicos (ACEAA) promotes a holistic approach to biodiversity conservation in the Bolivian Andes-Amazon region. With a strong field presence in the northern La Paz region, Pando and Beni departments, ACEAA works directly with local communities to conserve Amazon forest by building territorial management capacity, strengthening organizations and supporting sustainable livelihoods initiatives. ACEAA also conducts research focused on prioritized species under threat such as the jaguar, giant otter, and specific plant species while providing support to protected areas by creating and strengthening networks of local actors, civil society, academia, and government authorities in order to promote conservation in Bolivia’s Amazon. ACEAA has a professional staff with broad experience working together with local actors as well as national and international allies. In promoting Bolivian Amazon conservation, ACEAA employs three strategies to achieve our institutional objectives and results: (i) Protect wild places; (ii) Empower people; and (iii) Put science and technology to work. ACEAA´s actions are based on a comprehensive management approach of different territorial units within this globally important basin. Although direct actions and interventions are focused on specific areas, we expect that our impact will encompass a much larger geographic area in terms of biodiversity conservation, as well as public and economic policies affecting biodiversity conservation.