Changing Lives in Innovative Partnerships (CLIP)


CM Block IV, Civic and Culture Plot, Choggu Agric, NS 067-4362 Tamale

TL 322 Tamale

+233 (0) 501333867 / +233 (0) 244889962


Ghana Venskab


Advancing Climate Resilience in Vulnerable Farmer Communities through Adaptive Capacity and Advocacy Empowerment for Life phase V - Inclusion, Resilience and Accountable Governance

Changing Lives in Innovative Partnerships (CLIP) formerly called Community Life Improvement programme (CLIP) is a Non-Governmental Organisation. It started as a rural development programme with the aim to increase self-help capacity and improved living conditions for the populations in rural communities in the Yendi, Gushegu and Karaga Districts in the Northern Region of Ghana. But now CLIP operates throughout the five Northern Regions of Ghana. Before its establishment, reports, research and observations showed that, some parents and guardians in the Northern Region were not allowing their children, especially girls to go to school because parents, particularly, mothers needed their girls to serve as babysitters, fetch water and perform other domestic chores as well as other on-farm activities such as cooking for farmers among others. CLIP was thus, established as a package to promote children’s education, especially girls and provide livelihoods support to families in the Northern Region of Ghana. The overall goal and mission of CLIP is to empower people to influence and drive their socio-economic development in a sustainable environment. The organization envisions a society free of hunger where local communities have sustainable skills and opportunities to improve their livelihoods. CLIP works in six thematic areas namely; Food Security and Livelihoods, Nutrition, Climate Change, WASH, Agro-pastoralism and Inclusive Growth. The organisation has been providing services to deprived communities through water provision (construction of hand-dug wells, boreholes, dugouts), facilitating peaceful coexistence among local communities, agropastoral infrastructure development (grazing reserves, securing transhumance routes, livestock markets, etc.) rural and urban sanitation improvement, climate change advocacy at local and national levels, facilitating sanitation and hygiene dialogues and waste management among many others interventions.