Enhancing Educational Opportunities for Marginalized Children and Youth in Kolkata, India

Project period:

31.07.2024 - 31.07.2025

Granted amount:

187,426,- DKK

Total budget:

276,322,- DKK


Gadens Børn NGO


Missionaries of the Word



Grant type:

Små Indsatser

World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 4: Quality Education

Efforts take place in:



Gadens Børn will expand its educational programme, through which we aim at strengthening educational opportunities for marginalized children and youth in Kolkata. More specifically, we will expand our Production School with two workshop-based courses, initially targeting 30 students who struggle in traditional academic settings. Our indian partner organization, Missionaries of the Word, will be responsible for establishing and developing these workshop-based courses, using their experience with developing educational offerings tailored to the needs of marginalized children. We will also collaborate with the Indian organization, Nhirdan, that will assist us in developing certificates, that beneficiaries will receive upon completion of their chosen workshop. The intervention will provide current and prospective students in our educational program with more options for learning relevant skills and continuing their educational path.