Strengthening WASH Structures and Dialogue in nine villages in Puntland, Somalia (SWASD)

Project period:

01.12.2014 - 31.01.2017

Granted amount:

2,484,462,- DKK


Dansk Folkehjælp - DFH





Grant type:

Projekt D (1 - 3 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Contribute towards increased quality of life for citizens in the target areas through improved WASH services.

Immediate targets

Immediate objective 1: Capacity of WASH committees strengthened to ensure inclusive planning and improved access to WASH services at village level by end of 2016. Immediate objective 2: Improved hygiene and sanitation practices amongst rights holders in the target areas by end of 2016. Immediate objective 3: Capacity of relevant duty bearers in target areas strengthened to coordinate inclusive local WASH planning and implementation processes by end of 2016.

Target groups

The primary target group of the proposed project will be the WASH committees in the nine villages The WASH committees will each consist of approximately 15 selected community members, and the project will strive to ensure that the participation of women in these committees will be 50%. The number of WASH-committee members targeted by the project totals 135. In addition, the project will also directly target community members in the nine villages through hygiene and sanitation education. It is estimated that at least one member from each household in the nine villages will be directly targeted through the training and awareness events, thereby totaling 15,590 persons. These will be evenly distributed between men and women. The project will also directly target 20 government officials relevant to the project objectives.


Dansk Folkehjælp (Danish People’s Aid - DPA) og KAALO Aid & Development (KAALO) fra Garowe i Puntland, Somalia, har sammen udviklet projektet ‘Strengthening WASH Structures and Dialogue in nine villages in Puntland, Somalia’ (SWASD). Projektet løber over 2 år og har et samlet budget på 2.484.462 DKK. Formålet med projektet er at styrke lokalbefolkningen i ni landsbyer i Puntland ved at kapacitetsopbygge landbyernes vandkomiteer, således at disse bliver bedre til at organisere sig, vedligeholde vandinfrastruktur og undervise de øvrige landsbyboere indenfor WASH. Samtidig vil kapaciteten hos lokale beslutningstagere også blive styrket, så de har større forståelse for og evner til at forbedre de lokale vand- og sanitetsforhold. Vandkomiteerne og de lokale beslutningstagere vil desuden blive trænet i fortalervirksomhed med fokus på WASH, samt konfliktløsning, som er et vigtigt redskab i skrøbelige situationer.