Strengthening the capacity of community level to prevent, detect and treat NCDs in 5 sub-counties in Kamuli district, Uganda

Project period:

01.08.2015 - 31.07.2017

Granted amount:

416,942,- DKK


Hope Danmark





Grant type:

Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Increase the capacity at community level to prevent, detect and treat NCDs in five sub-counties in the Kamuli district by July 2017

Immediate targets

1. Increased awareness about NCDs in the 5 sub-counties in Kamuli district by July 2017. 2. Increased capacity in preventing, detecting and referring NCD cases in the 5 sub counties in Kamuli district by July 2017. 3. To capacitate KANENGO and Nas to advocate for NCDs to be on the political agenda at Sub County and District level by July 2017.

Target groups

Primary target group: 1000 citizens of 20+ years in 400 households, being visited regularly by the 40 Village Health Workers (VHW) who are members of the current 8 Neighbourhood Assemblies in the five sub counties. Each household has 2-3 adults and 5-6 children. Indirect target group is the (40x10x6)=2400 children and youths below 20 years in the same households. Secondary target groups: 8 existing Neighbourhood Assemblies in the 5 sub counties, plus 10 new NAs in the same sub counties. The NAs serve as social platforms on which citizens engage in planning and feedback processes as well as mobilising citizens to access services. They also mobilize and capacitate citizens to participate in productive activities including farming and livelihood improvement. Within the five selected sub counties, the project will work with the existing eight NAs, and support the establishment of 10 new NAs. The NA members will be informed about NCDs, their causes, prevention and treatment. 90 (5 in each of the 18 NA) Village Health Workers (VHWs), who work voluntarily in the villages, each having responsibility for 30 homes. 200 strategic stakeholders (teachers, religious leaders, etc.) at sub county level 65 local authority duty bearers in the selected sub counties and 26 in Kamuli district council. They are targeted for advocacy on policy change in order to improve public service delivery on preventing, detecting and treating NCDs.


Et af de væsentligste problemer i Kamuli distriktet i Uganda, i lighed med mange andre områder i Uganda og udviklingslande, er andelen af befolkningen, der lider af ikke-smitsomme sygdomme (NCDs), som fx diabetes og forhøjet blodtryk. De primære årsager er de lokale sundhedsmyndigheders svage kapacitet og borgernes manglende viden. Hope Danmarks partner, KANENGO, etablerer frivillige, lokale og demokratiske organisationer, Neighbourhood Assemblies (NAs), som bl.a. udvælger frivillige Village Health Workers (VHWs) Projektets mål er, i fem sub counties i Kamuli distrikt, at øge befolkningens viden om NCDs i samarbejde med den nationale alliance mod NCDs, UNCDA. Samtidig vil projektet indsamle data om NCDs via VHWs som dokumentation ifm. Fortalervirksomhed. Endelig vil projektet kapacitetsopbygge Nas og KANENGO, så de kan være befolkningens talerør overfor myndighederne – også på sundhedsområdet .