Community Development in Mutasa District, Zimbabwe

Project period:

15.03.2016 - 15.09.2017

Granted amount:

499,418,- DKK


Seniorer uden Grænser


Africa AHEAD (AAZ) Nhaka Afrikan Worldview Trust Pensioners Union Trust of Zimbabwe



Grant type:

Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

The overall aim is to emphasize on indigenous knowledge systems and income generating projects. This entails growing of small grain, sweet potato, and more. It also requires inspiration for change, collective efforts and joining of hands. The overall goal is to improve self-sufficiency in nutritious and healthy food by capacity building of all households in 10 villages through relevant organizational support and training at the Sekwi Rural Resource Centre and in the gardens. By changing the mind-set of 320 families from growing only obvious crops such as maize, to growing and processing crops like indigenous crops, and others that reward most on the market giving a family income. It is also to harvest water and do what it takes to secure self-sufficiency and drive people out of poverty.

Immediate targets

The three main objectives are: 1. Increase production of sufficient and healthy food and improve health, hygiene and sanitation in 320 households. 2. Strengthening the organization and management of the Sekwi Rural Resource Centre (SRRC) and its activities 3. Capacity building of collaboration between five partner organizations, 3 Zimbabwean and two Danish.

Target groups

The project will target the following groups of people: 320 households, women and men in the 3 wards of Mutasa District 40 facilitators in 10 nutrition gardens (3 selected from each garden, centre committee) 10 garden committees One Centre committee from SRRC 5 NGO organizations strengthening their partnership cooperation


Det overordnede mål er at styrke civilsamfundet, bekæmpe fattigdom, forbedre livssituationen i 10 landsbyer i Mutasa Distrikt i Zimbabwe. Dette sker gennem: 1. Øget produktion af sunde fødevarer og forbedring af ernærings- og sundhedstilstanden for 320 familier. Styrke organiseringen i 10 grøntsagshavegrupper, udbrede viden om og fremme produktion af organiske fødevarer, fremme sundhedstilstanden, øge produktion og salg af fødevarer samt uddanne 40 lokale facilitatorer. 2. Udvikle de organisatoriske og ledelsesmæssige kompetencer omkring Sekwi Rural Ressource Center til et uddannelses- og træningscenter; et samlingspunkt for rådgivning, trænings- & udviklingsprogrammer & møder. 3. Kapacitetsopbygning af samarbejdet mellem 3 Zimbabweanske og 2 danske NGO’er.