Seniorer uden Grænser

Seniorer uden Grænser – SuG er en forening af seniorer som via projekter og lokale aktiviteter arbejder frivilligt for at stoppe sult og fattigdom i verden. Fokus i indsatsen er hjælp til selvhjælp og bæredygtighed på alle niveauer – politisk, økonomisk og socialt indenfor uddannelse, sundhed, miljø og produktion. SuG er en NGO, der bygger på civilsamfundets fundament både i Nord og i Syd. SuG arbejder for at opbygge fællesskaber mellem borgere omkring fælles interesser, normer og værdier.


Emiliedalsvej 99 1. -2

8270 Højbjerg

Phone: +4550815135


Web: http//

Efforts take place in:

Burkina Faso

Gambia, the










Grants: Lunyo Orphan Support Project Environmental Awareness Project - EAP "SHAMBA" - Farming Holidays Sustainable Environmental Agro Solutions 2 - (SEAS) Kapacitetsanalyse af Seniorer uden Grænser Projekt "Flygtningebåd" i samarbejde med Levende Hav (Holbæk) Smart Approaches for Environmental Change - SEM Opkvalificering af viden om IT i 3 skoler i Dibra-provinsen Integrated project on psycho-social activities and food security Reduction and empowerment of young female dropouts in Soroti district, Uganda, phase II School Based Conservation Agriculture, Lupane Zimbabwe Udvikling af DCDC’s organisatoriske kapacitet Foredrag, medieindslag samt bogsalg Development of Psycho Social Project Model Strengthening of Child Friendly Organisations capacity for resource mobilisation Promotion of climate-resilient lifestyles among rural families in Umguza district of Zimbabwe CEIP 2 - CLEAN ENVIRONMENT INITIATIVE PROJECT 2 Family Empowerment project - Follow up activities Empowerment of Orphans in Busede Sub County Empowerment and repatriation of wich-accused women - phase II Empowerment and repatriation of witch-accused women AAC in Kenya We are the Future Advocacy for the rights of orphans and vulnerable children in Bussede Sub County, Jinja District Mutasa Community Development Project II, Zimbabwe We Are The Future (WATF) CARC Partnership Intervention Empowerment of the most ressource poor and vulnerable members of the PHP organisation in Apac, Amolatar, and Oyam Districts Uganda Non-formal education of women in3 villages in Mbale District, Uganda lnvolvement of Danish agricultural enthusiasts in development work Community Development in Mutasa District, Zimbabwe Capacity Building of community members in order to implement Psycho Social activities for orphans and children living with HIV in Kisasi and Nalinaibe parishes, Busede sub County, Uganda Clean Environment Initiative Project ( CEIP ) Alfabetisering og kapacitetsopbygning af kvinder i Niamina West CARC and the donor funding world Bukedea Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Project - BUCAREP Empowering of VSLAs and ToT for Safe Neighbourhood Foundation in Budaka, Mbale Region CARC-CFOU Exchange of experiences working with Psycho Social Methods for orphans and children living with HIV/AIDS AAC in Kenya 2 Advocacy and capacity building for poor women groups in fishing villages in Tamil Nadu, India Non-formal education of women and vocational training of young female dropouts in 3 villages in Mbale District, Uganda MILJØUDFORDRINGER I UDVIKLINGSLANDENE Udvikling af fattige dalitters og stammefolks økonomiske og sociale forhold gennem dyrkning, produktion og salg af helsekostprodukter og plantemedicin Det grønne landbrugsbælte omkring byen Kankan, fase II Empowerment of orphans and other vulnerable children in Busede Sub Country Partnerskab med CAMD i Diankana (i Guinea) Community Development in Mutasa District, Zimbabwe Advocacy to increase food security in the Sundarbans ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION AND FOOD SECURITY IN THE BIDIBIDI REFUGEE SETTLEMENT, UGANDA - 2 Strengthening Organisation and Capacity for Community based "Shamba-Farming-Homestay Tourism" Communication Matters Empoverment of Children and Youth in the Yaaku Community, Kenya. Destiny Child Development Center Lunyo orphan Support Project(LOSP) We are the Future - Development Intervention January 2019 - June 2021 Family Empowerment Project II Make CFOU's psycho-social model available for other organizations Humanitarian Intervention Cyclone Gaja, Tamil Nadu India Strengthening the farming practices and advocacy capacity of members of the SFE organisation in Kenya”. Climate Resilient Model Village (CREMOV) project Nourishing Minds - Overcoming Drought “Environmental awareness project/programme” (EAP), Malawi Kapacitetsopbygning af partnere samt styrke kvindernes udvikling i 4 landsbyer i Niamina West District, Gambia. Fase II. The Sustainable Environmental Agro-Solutions Project Close Out Phase (SEAS III) Family Empowerment Project Sustainable Environmental Agro Solutions, SEAS Promote hope and social wellbeing for young mothers and their children Smart Approaches to Environmental Management 2- SEM 2 VSLA Village Savings and Loans Associations and Small Business Education Mbale District, Uganda Lunyo Orphan Support Project(LOSP) Advocacy for the rights of orphans/children in Lunyo Subward, Entebbe BidiBidi Refugee Environment & Livelihood Action Project-BRELAP. Networking among CSOs Hope in Life for Young Single Mothers and their Children CFOU to collaborate with NGOs to create alliances and promotion of Psycho-social Model in Uganda Income Generating Strategy in the Budaka District in Uganda Environmental Restoration and Food security in the Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement, Uganda Drought preparedness of primary schools and parent communityin Makueni County, Kenya Better Livelihood and Environmental Awareness Udviklingsspørgsmål via QR-codes på kaffeposer og youtube Empoverment of Orphans and other vulnerable Children in Busede Sub County Reinforcement of the role of Phumakanye school in community development Lunyo Orphan Support Project, Entebbe, Uganda Reduction and empowerment of Teenage Mothers and School Dropouts Phase III Deltagelse i Folkemødet 2019 på Bornholm Feeding programme for 6 schools in Mukogodo Location, Laikipia North Sub County We are the Future Empowerment of Orphans and other vulnerable children in Busede Sub County Mungufen Special Needs Education Program CBO Empowerment and Promotion of Sustainable Agroecological Farming Technologies and Climate Mitigation Projekt "Flygtningebåd" i samarbejde med Levende Hav (Midtjylland) Reduction and empowerment of young female dropouts in Soroti District, Uganda Smallholders Environmental and Climate Awareness Project (SECAP) Women Empowerment Project
Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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