Advocacy to increase food security in the Sundarbans

Project period:

01.03.2017 - 28.02.2019

Granted amount:

390,998,- DKK


Seniorer uden Grænser


Joygoplapur Gram Vikash Kendra (JGVK)



Grant type:

Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

The overall objective of the project is: Reduce poverty and increase food security in the Sundarbans of West Bengal.

Immediate targets

Immediate objective 1: Establish, strengthen and consolidate farmers’ organisations in the selected village. Immediate objective 2: To increase agricultural, farm management and livestock production in 4 villages over a two year period. Immediate objective 3: To enable the farmer household groups to advocate their problems and potential requirements.

Target groups

The target group (immediate beneficiaries) will be the 12 groups of farmer family households initially from four villages. Each of the four (4) villages will have three groups of 20 households (40 individuals). Each household will be represented by the wife and husband. The idea of including both the wife and husband is that there is a division of labour and responsibility within the households concerning agricultural and livestock production. By including both husband and wife in the project a holistic approach to agricultural development and increase in household earnings can be achieved.


Dette er et nyt projekt i et område hvor traditionelt landbrug møder negative tendenser i produktionen forårsaget af manglende rådgivning og ringe fortalervirksomhed for deltagelse i regerings landbrugs programmer. De konkrete projektmål er organiseringen og kapacitets opbygningen af landhusholdnings grupper således at de kan forbedre deres fødevare sikkerhed og bliver stærke nok til at udfører fortalervirksomhed. Det er valgt at anvende “Rural Initiatives and Participatory Agricultural Transformation” (RIPAT) konceptet Projektet indeholder tre (3) distinkte områder inden for civil samfunds udvikling: 1) Gruppe dannelse/ledelse; 2) Kapacitets opbygning i udviklings metoder til fødevare produktion; 3) Oplæring i at føre relevant fortalervirksomhed, både teknisk og politisk. Projektet vil blive målrettet landhusholdnings grupper i 4 landsbyer omfattende 240-300 deltagere. Aktiviteterne bliver ligeligt målrettet kvinder og mænd. Projektet vil blive opfattet som et pilot projekt.