Building Capacity for Advocacy

Project period:

11.04.2016 - 30.04.2017

Granted amount:

496,518,- DKK


Games (Gambia Media Support)


Gambia Press Union



Grant type:

Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Efforts take place in:

Gambia, the

Overall targets

To strengthen and empower Gambian media and civil society to play a more proactive role as advocates for popular enlightenment, civic education and participation and development of democracy.

Immediate targets

1) GPU has implemented modern management approach and introduced entrepreneurial thinking in board and management – and thus made its organization more resilient and it economy more sustainable. 2) GPU has advocated for freedom of expression and information to the three powers of estate. 3) GPU has tested an outreach model for consultancies for in-house capacity development of media and civil society organizations’ advocacy and communication.

Target groups

GPU's members are the primary target group is members. However, media practitioners, who are not members of GPU due to fear of reprisals, are also benefiting from GPU's work and this project. A secondary target group is communicators from the civil society organizations and other media organisations.


Projektet styrker partnerorganisationen Gambia Press Union (GPU) gennem kapacitets-opbygning: 1) GPU øger sin organisatoriske robusthed og økonomiske bæredygtighed 2) GPU øger sin gennemslagskraft i forhold til statsmagten 3) GPUs egne konsulenter hjælper medie- og civilsamfundsorganisationer til at øge deres gennemslagskraft – gennem kapacitets-opbygning inden for fortalervirksomhed og kommunikation. Dermed opnår GPU tilstrækkelig styrke til at gribe de muligheder og det momentum, der er skabt gennem det seneste CISU-støttede projekt med GPU: Forankringen en ny journalistisk uddannelse i Gambia; et nyt samarbejde mellem GPU og civilsamfundet om at udvikle deres kommunikation; en styrkelse af GPUs fortaler-virksomhed for ytrings- og informationsfrihed og udvikling af landets første fælles regelsæt for god presseskik.