Flood emergency intervention in Beletweyne, Hirshabelle State of Somalia

Project period:

20.11.2019 - 20.05.2020

Granted amount:

679,201,- DKK


Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning (OFROSOM)


New ways organization


DERF - Nødhjælpspuljen

Grant type:

Floods in Somalia (Rapid Response)

World goals:

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Efforts take place in:



According to UN OCHA moderate to heavy Deyr seasonal rains starting early in many parts of Somalia and continuing across the country have resulted into entire reaches of the Shabelle & Juba rivers seeing high water leels over the last few weeks with flooding in Hirshabelle, Jubaland and South West states. Flooding linked to heavy rainfall along these Somalia’s two major rivers, the Shabelle and the Juba, has affected thousands of people. Riverine and flash flooding has affected populations in middle and lower Juba, Bay, lower and middle Shabelle, and Hiraan states. As per 28 October, an estimated 182,000 people have been displaced according to UNHCRProtection Return Monitoring Network (PRMN) as reported by UN OCHA. In one of the currently worst-hit areas, Beletweyne, an estimated 164,000 people have been displaced as 85 percent of the town by 27th October was inundated.